Posts Tagged ‘slotted waveguide’

Thin Slotted Waveguide for 2.4Ghz

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

As I maybe mentioned in my previous post hlssa program gives some very strange results about thickness dimensions of the waveguides. The program says that is passable to build slotted waveguide with an only 100mm to 25mm tube or waveguide for 2.4ghz band.

Till now I was unable to find anything that confirm this, but now I sow several interesting pictures :

thin slotted waveguideThin Slotted Waveguide for 2.4Ghz

Pictures are from here :

Look at this – there is NO WAY that this is be 100×50 mm this looks like more like 20 or 25mm !!! πŸ™‚

So this will make passable to use other, more easy to be found on the market tubes.

More pictures :

slotted waveguideslotted waveguideslotted waveguideslotted waveguide

And finally one more thing – 20 to 22dbi omni directional slotted waveguide 25mm thin PDF file with specification

Cardboard Slotted Waveguide

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

On You can find interesting antenna projct cardboard slotted waveguide.

Aluminium foil and cardboard is used to build slotted waveguide wifi antenna.

Here some pictures :

Last picture is 11Ghz and 2.4Ghz versions compared.

Waveguide is tested and the resuts are very good – more than 14dbi are reached!

This is a good way to fast build and test antennas, also quick modifications are possable.

The bad thing is that You can not solder aluminium – which for this antenna is not a problem.

The author of this post call this “40cents antenna” and he has several different types of antennas builded and tested.

You can find the links on the forums.

Slotted Waveguide Antenna Links and Software

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

All we know trevor marshal design – here is another approach in designing slotted waveguide. πŸ˜‰

Firs thing is of course 10ghz book in chapter seven


Next thing is hlssa program :

Hlssa programs are used to design position of the slots over the waveguide surface.

There are several versions og this one in the net – hlssa54 is first one in German.

there is hlssa61e – version in English and as I support ver 61 isthe new one πŸ™‚

Some links for hlssa program : – English version – pic – pic of antenna


Here some links that I found useful :

First :

Cut-off calculator for square waveguides :


Some pictures of simulations /these ones are NOT mine / :




Next there is applet in java which give us way to see what tm modes we have inside the waveguide based on freq and dimensions.



And finally a place where to choose standard waveguide tubbing –


So we have all thing needed to design our new waveguide for the frequency that we need.


This is just collection of links that You may find useful. This is not tutorial. But this is basic for beginning building slotted waveguide.If You are interesting there is a lot of reading in the net – Good luck!