Posts Tagged ‘slotted waveguide’

10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings

Saturday, February 16th, 2008

Horizontally Polarised Omnidirectional Slotted Waveguide
10-slot winged K5SXK/WA5VJB based design

Also interesting radome is build.

Here are the pictures.

10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings 10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings 10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings

Now using wings we getting bigger ground plane – ro this is writen in big books – i must try this some time.

I lake the radome too it is simple to make.

And as final we get quite strange shape for this antenna πŸ™‚ , I like this too.

HLSSA software for design slotted waveguides

Tuesday, November 20th, 2007

HLSSA software for design slotted waveguides site is down.

I mention this software many times, but it seems that site from which I downloaded it is down, so I’ll put back online. IF anyone is unhappy whit this – contact me and I’ll stop spreading it!

HLSSA software for design slotted waveguides is here :

This is english version and last according to version that I can find- ver6.1

Here You can find German ver 5.4

Authors are DK3BA and DH6SBN.

HLSSA software for design slotted waveguides

Here is my 5ghz slotted waveguide antenna almost build and calculated with HLSSA.

5Ghz Slotted Waveguide

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Some photos of my 5ghz slotted waveguide antenna project – never finished and tested due lack of proper hardware to test.

Made from aluminum tube and calculated whit hlssa program.

This is ten slots dual side design.

5ghz slotted waveguide5ghz slotted waveguide5ghz slotted waveguide