Posts Tagged ‘ground plane’

More Info About UBNT Antennas

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

There is a picture of 5ghz dish antenna on the slides from ubnt presentations.

Ubiquiti has an expanding line of dual polarized antennas that mate to the Rocket radio.

ubnt 5ghz dish feed

ubnt 5ghz dish feed

MIMO Sector Antennas


10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings

Saturday, February 16th, 2008

Horizontally Polarised Omnidirectional Slotted Waveguide
10-slot winged K5SXK/WA5VJB based design

Also interesting radome is build.

Here are the pictures.

10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings 10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings 10GHz Slotted Waveguide with Wings

Now using wings we getting bigger ground plane – ro this is writen in big books – i must try this some time.

I lake the radome too it is simple to make.

And as final we get quite strange shape for this antenna πŸ™‚ , I like this too.

Omnidirecional WIFI Antenna 6dbi

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

This one is very interesting design. I was used something VERY similar before time and all that I remember is, that it defiantly WORK fine, but it is pain to tune this.

All pictures are from this page :

This antenna is combination from usual J Pole antenna and Franklin array antenna /AMOS antenna only onmidirectional /.

Gain of this omni antenna is around 6dbi, but you may add more by adding more sections. Double the sections to add 3dbis.


Dimensions :


And feeding point and tune stub :


Some suggestions :

First CHECK dimensions of Your antenna.

Second : Matching to the feed-line is archived by sliding the connection of the feedline back and forth along the stub until an SWR as close as possible to 1:1 is obtained.

Third : Try to add quarter-wave ground plane.

Four : You can bend the half wave section to a half circle to be able to use small diameter of plastic tube :


Some more pictures :

omni antennaomni11.jpg