Posts Tagged ‘GPS sync’

New Ubiquiti Airmax Products Pictures!

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Thanks A LOT to creed23 for the pictures from the Ubiquiti Airmax conferences.


Ubiquiti new product line

Friday, October 29th, 2010

ubnt camera airbeam antenna rocket

You can see all the pictures in next post.

AirSync – GPS synchronization – looks great (maybe you can put 5 radios on your tower and use only one channel)!

GPS sync.

The GPS receiver integrated in the RocketM5, rocket have 3 rpsma connectorsAirbeam rocket have also GPS receiver.

Rocket M5Rocket M5New Rocket m5 connector close.

AirBeam – something like 90deg. sector antenna but inside is 7 high gain separate antennas. Radio is switching between antenas – receives only on antena where particular CPE is connected => antena is sector but acts as directional – high gain, limit interferrences
Omnidirectional antena for Rocket M5

AirBeam Sector beam-forming antennaairbeam beamforming sector antenna

90 degree angle, 16 degree beamwidth, 24dBi Energy per Beam, 7 inrependant beams.

90 degree beamwidth beam steering antenna. That will allow a 43 dBm EIRP on your access points now.

Dual polarity omni antenna for Rocket.

UniFi – WiFi for enterprise – very nice indoor accesspoint with wall/ceiling mount, central management for all accesspoints from server.

Indoor access points with centralized management.

Unifi wifi ap router

AirCam – ubiquiti’s IP camera + whole software solution (NVR…) which works with cameras from 3rd party manufacturers

IP cameras and NVR software.

The camera is a full 720p, 30FPS h.264. AirVision utility and product line AirCam are expected in December.

NanoBridge M900 passive reflector for M900 to increase gain and directionality.

NanoBridge M900

3GStantion – 3GStation 3g to wifi AP?


TOUGHCableelimination of Ethernet and PoE problems. Available q4.

Links :

Hope to find any pictures soon.