Very Cheap Dipole feeders – they are easy to be build and you do not need a lot or expensive materials. Everything here can be made from wire or scrap /I watch too much scarpwars on Discovery channel π /
I found some very interesting looking feeders for dishes – VERY cheap to make, first is made only from feeder line π or simple coax.

“A simple dipole feed. Good solution to illuminate parabolic constructions (solid, grid etc.) Heliax holds the dipole, as well as feeds the N-type female connector to the back. Tests shown 4 dBi (against Lucent 24 dBi parabolic grid). “
Second is Russian of course
Name of the file is interesting too D_Linc3_008.jpg

Interesting materials – onli several pieces of pcb board are used – very good.
From the same forum are these too –

Last pic is from
And for the end howto make wire reflector or DIY Parabolic Grid Reflector

Info is from this :
19dbi gird blueprint :

For me is easy to buy small offset dish – 80cm is around 10 to 15 Euros here.