Posts Tagged ‘conference’

Ubiquiti will soon present 10Ghz Bridge

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

It just may be a rumor but may be Ubiquiti will soon present a 10Ghz Bridge mentioned on Buenos Aires AirMax World Conference.

Source :

Working at 10Ghz may be a problem in some counties but if presented the new rumored bridge will bring neighborhood wlan isp-s closer to professional service providers.

UBNT new AIRMAX Antennas

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Some pictures from Ubiquiti Airmax Chicago conference are now available on ubnt forum.

Tomorrow ill dig for more info – still hope to find some presentations from the conference.

I begin with most interesting for me – new 2.4ghz only 5GHZ  sector antennas for now:

2ghz bs airmax antenna 01

2ghz bs airmax antenna 02


Mikrotik User Meeting: Europe 2009

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Mikrotik has announced the new MUM: Mikrotik User Meeting, which will be placed in Prague, Czech Republic. It seems to be very interesting meeting, in great city.
MUM Czech Republic

The MikroTik User Meeting in Europe is finally set,
and it will take in Prague, capital of Czech Republic –
almost in the centre of Europe. With steadily growing
numbers of participants each year – we expect no less
than 700 people attending from all over the world
– and you should be one of them. This time we are
also offering Free registration, besides the standard
paid registration that includes a RouterOS license and
MUM will take place February 27-28, 2009.
Training before MUM will take place the same week.
More information on and