Archive for the ‘Blogroll’ Category

Qualcomm Buys Atheros

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Ha! This is a surprise for me – Atheros opened a lot of source code, we will see how this will continue.

Link :

Cellular chip maker Qualcomm is buying WiFi chipmaker Atheros for $3.1 billion, or $45 per share, the companies announced today. The deal, the largest ever for Qualcomm, is expected to close sometime in the first half of the year. T

Atheros, a WiFi innovator, has a growing presence in Asia and Europe. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have become standard features in portable consumer devices, including tablets, handheld games and media players, and Qualcomm now can utilize that strength.

Tales from the towers.

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

Tales from the tower – a great reading, no mater if You are beginner or wisp provider.

It takes a look over present last mile wireless wifi solutions, wireless interference, wifi antennas and all equipment You’ll need to start small or large wireless isp.

The author Rory Conaway talks about business models and possibilities to design different types of networks in different situations.  Tales from the tower may be considered as howto for building low cost wireless networks that cover small areas or huge wifi networks covering hundreds of kilometers.

In one word great reading.

Here a link to the first chapter of the series : Tales of the towers chapter 1 : wireless-isp-experience-building-large-wifi-networks