Posts Tagged ‘feeder’

5ghz Feeder

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

There is lot of designs in the net, but this one is interesting because it is designed to be simple and easy to reproduce or mass produce /as You can see from the pictures/.

This 5ghz feeder is coming from Greece.

Here dome pictures :

Design and blueprints πŸ˜‰

5ghz feeder5ghz feeder5ghz feeder

End product : tubes and feeding and connectors.

5ghz feeder5ghz feeder

This looks like experimental builds :


Interesting is simple materials – copper tube and sheet, and connectors. Everything is soldered – no weak points in this design.

5668MHz Helix Antenna

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

You can read about this antenna here

helix antenna 5ghz

Freq : 5.6Ghz Gain : 10Dbi Beamwidth : 55 deg

All building instructions are on the site.

Horn And Waveguide Feeder for 2.4Ghz

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

I always wonder haw to feed waveguide or horn from the back – all the designs are feeded from side as usual Cantennas.

Now I have picture – file is pretty old but interesting.


I cannot remember from where I take the PDF file to write a link. Here it is 8602-4.pdf ,I didn’t change the name of the file.

Most interesting is that the connector is on the back – also wide band feeder is used and antenna is DC grounded – which differ from original cantenna design.

I used a lot of cantenas and this will be tested at first possible moment.

Also may be used in slotted waveguides.