Posts Tagged ‘feeder’

Pac Wireless 5Ghz GD58-29 Gird Antenna Feed

Friday, October 2nd, 2009


Hi all!

I am totally happy men today – someone finally posted undercover pictures of one of most used antennas for 5ghz pac wireless gd58-29 gird. As you can see this antenna have very interesting cover of the feed, this exact shape can’t hide much and i was 99 percent sure that there is a dipole hidden inside. And now i finally can see this thanks vesuviustreamline on the forum.

Link to the thread on the forum

You can also visit the vesuviustreamline site

And interesting part – pictures of this antenna

gd58-29 pac wireless 5ghz feed 04

pac wireless 5ghz antenna feed undercover


304km WIFI Link with 1.2m Dishes and pictures of the feeders.

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008


This one is old news but I found this now.

Link : sticked in mikrotik wireless forums and

304km is very good result. Congratulations!

304km wifi link

While I aiming stable links of about 1 to 3 km this looks impossible to reach for me.

Interesting is – home made antennas – they used 1.2 meter dishes and homemade feeders for reflectors.

Here is hardware used : “a pair of Ubiquiti XR5, and a pair of handmade antenna (120cm satellite dish for the surface, and a bronze ball-bearing extracted from a bus).” After connection cards power is lowered to 10mW !

The link is possible due some of the features of the Mikrotik software.

304km WIFI Link with 1.2m Dishes and pictures of the feeders.304km WIFI Link with 1.2m Dishes and pictures of the feeders.

As constructor of the antennas is mentioned Paolo IK0PCJ – You can find a link to his site in my previous post.

Look like that the smaller feeder is used. There are NO dimensions on the forum so I do not put links to it.

This look simple enough so if You know the frequency – You will be able to calculate and build one of these.

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

Source :

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

And here is the dimensions :

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

The production of this feeder is stopped – there is a new version of this product.

You can buy new version of this feeder from

Its uses small circular patch as feeding element /which is quite interesting for feeding waveguide/- there is no dimensions for this new one – only few pictures :

v-korpuse.gif 5ghz Feeder5ghz Feeder