Posts Tagged ‘blueprints’

5ghz Feeder

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

There is lot of designs in the net, but this one is interesting because it is designed to be simple and easy to reproduce or mass produce /as You can see from the pictures/.

This 5ghz feeder is coming from Greece.

Here dome pictures :

Design and blueprints πŸ˜‰

5ghz feeder5ghz feeder5ghz feeder

End product : tubes and feeding and connectors.

5ghz feeder5ghz feeder

This looks like experimental builds :


Interesting is simple materials – copper tube and sheet, and connectors. Everything is soldered – no weak points in this design.

Poland Dipole Panel Antenna

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

18 or 19dBi – no mater for this one πŸ™‚ . Several dipoles printed on PCB board. Have more dipoles You get more dBis. Will it be 10 12 or 24 – You decide how much do You need.

This is defiantly homemade design. I have one small antenna whit only 4 dipoles – and it works great, so this antenna should work fine. Also will be easy to be rescaled for other bands – 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz only change dimension of the dipoles.

19dbi panel wifi antenna

19dbi panel wifi antenna link to picture

Here is the photo from the other side of the pcb board and other part of feeding element


Picture is from this address : where also have blueprints for less dbi antenna .

On also has several files posted by sushisan .

Link to files