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We would like to announce the release of a new HAL for Atheros WLAN devices. The new HAL is the result of a collaboration between OpenWrt.org, DD-WRT and MakSat Technologies (P) Ltd. It is the first result of a common effort, and the present collaborators would like to share the product of this work. It is their intention to provide reliable and continued support for other projects using this new HAL for Atheros WLAN devices.
The HAL provides a defined API to access and control Atheros WLAN chipsets, and is an integral part for many drivers such as MadWifi. Comparing it with the HAL that’s currently used by MadWifi, the most important changes are:
- many known bugs have been fixed
- improved noise immunity measures
- added support for additional architectures, such as ARM11, MIPS64 and MIPS32r2
- enhanced support for Atheros WiSOC (Wireless System on Chip)
- added support for Atheros AR7100
Home of the new HAL will be the website of the madwifi.org project. Future development will be coordinated here, and the bug tracking facility can be used to report bugs or file feature requests.
For commercial requests please contact hal@maksat.de.
The following is a list of links to involved projects and/or already available vendor solutions using the new HAL for Atheros WLAN devices:
- OpenWrt.org – embedded linux distribution and development environment
- DD-WRT.com – professional and end user firmwares for common wireless routers and boards
- Maksat Product Line – offers tough hardware and special software enhancements for all areas and very inexpensive small APs
For more info of features and suported hardware madwifi.org