HyperLink HG2415U-PRO 2.4Ghz Omnidireccional 15dBi WIFI Antenna
Pictures are from these two forums :
www.lan23.ru and www.zero13wireless.net
First the antenna and diagram

What is happening inside :

Several dimensions :

But whit this last do not show us all – it cannot be used to build this antenna.
It looks like that this antenna have some strange internal parts – and its feeding point is on quite strange place.

So there are tree interesting sections – middle, top and bottom.
This is TOP :

Next is Bottom :

And Middle section :

And here is the interesting part – in feed point is in the middle part of this antenna, a coax line travel trough all sections, from the connector to the “middle section” and center of the coax line is soldered to the tube which goes to the upper part of the antenna!

I am not sure what is happening in the top section – russians says that this ring or piston inside is soldered to the small tube which goes out on the top – but even if it is this ring and center tube is not connected to outer big tube ?!?
Also in the bottom part this small ring is not soldered – maybe is used for tuning the antenna?
And on the all pictures seems that small inside sections tubes are smaller then small outside sections :

So How is madded this antenna? How it works ? What is happening inside ?
This pictures gives more questions than answers !
If anyone understand this antenna design – explain.