Posts Tagged ‘5ghz feeder’

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

Source :

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

And here is the dimensions :

Russian 5GHz Offset Dish Feeder

The production of this feeder is stopped – there is a new version of this product.

You can buy new version of this feeder from

Its uses small circular patch as feeding element /which is quite interesting for feeding waveguide/- there is no dimensions for this new one – only few pictures :

v-korpuse.gif 5ghz Feeder5ghz Feeder

5ghz Feeder

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

There is lot of designs in the net, but this one is interesting because it is designed to be simple and easy to reproduce or mass produce /as You can see from the pictures/.

This 5ghz feeder is coming from Greece.

Here dome pictures :

Design and blueprints πŸ˜‰

5ghz feeder5ghz feeder5ghz feeder

End product : tubes and feeding and connectors.

5ghz feeder5ghz feeder

This looks like experimental builds :


Interesting is simple materials – copper tube and sheet, and connectors. Everything is soldered – no weak points in this design.